Case Studies
Standard Cases
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Standard Cases
Weaver helps upgrade and reconstruct the OA system of CROCS

Customer profile

CROCS is a world leader in casual footwear dedicated to comfort and innovation. It’s most famous beach sandals were sold more than 300 million pairs in 90 countries in 2002, quickly setting off a wave of swept the world.
CROCS has become a global leader in the casual footwear market by combining style, comfort, and price. It is always pursing a colorful life with an open mind.

Project Scope

Since CROCS’s original store opening management system was not user-friendly, it aimed to build:
1、A user-friendly Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) which can be adapted to multiple terminals while retaining the user’s habits and the core functions of the original system.
2、A standard store opening management system which supports matching the store opening phases to the relevant documents and an intelligent cost control workflow.
3、An efficient and intelligent mobile office platform with mobile modeling function which can be adapted to H5 mode and realize mobile management of the stores.

Project Value

Weaver established a standardized, efficient, and intelligent process management system for CROCS, retaining the user's habits and core functions of the original system, reducing the labor and time costs of system development, maintenance, and service. Mobile modeling function move applications to the mobile end for ease of use and management.

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